1. |
To assess demand/supply position relating to medicinal plants within the state, country and abroad and to coordinate with National Medicinal Plants board. |
2. |
To advise concerned departments on policy matters r elating to schemes and programmes for development of medicinal plants. |
3. |
To Provide guidance in the formulation of proposals, schemes and programmes etc. to be taken-up by agencies having access to land for cultivation and infrastructure for collection, storage and transportation of medicinal plants. |
4. |
Identification, inventorisation and quantification of medicinal plants. |
5. |
Promotion of ex-situ / in-situ cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants. |
6. |
Promotion of cooperative efforts among collectors and growers and assisting them in transportation and marketing of their produce effectively. |
7. |
Setting up of data-base system for inventorisation, dissemination of information and to facilitate prevention of patents being obtained for medicinal use of plants which is in the public domain. |
8. |
Matters relating to import/export of raw material as well as value added products including adoption of better techniques to market these products. |
9. |
Undertaking and awarding scientific, technological research and cost-effectiveness studies. |
10. |
Development of protocols for cultivations and quality control. |
11. |
Encouraging the protection of patents Rights and IPR. |